Monument Benefits:
A Revolutionary Platform

Exclusive Access to 403(b)/457(b) Clients

Monument Benefits is the Senior Market Sales® (SMS) program that gives advisors exclusive access to underserved clients — from educators to first responders and other governmental agencies — with trillions of dollars in underserviced accounts. Join Monument Benefits if you’re ready to provide these clients the retirement planning they deserve, transform the 403(b)/457(b) marketplace and reach new heights with your business — opportunities only available through SMS.

  • Gain access to thousands of payroll slots, available in all 50 states
  • Be listed as a preferred provider
  • Enjoy freedom to sell products without territorial restrictions imposed by product providers
  • Get practice management expertise, mentoring and coaching

Register to Get Started
Fill out this form to see if you qualify to be a member of Monument Benefits.

The Ultimate Connector




Monument Benefits is a multi-faceted solution that finally removes the barriers to entry for advisors not already in this exclusive space, improves the marketplace culture and streamlines processes.

How Does It Do All These Things?

SMS created Monuments Benefits by partnering with a respected 403(b) tech company with key expertise and an exclusive technology platform. Monument Benefits bundles essential services — recordkeeping, compliance and communication — in this platform, which all entities in the space can access and use.

Monument Benefits is the missing link that connects all the entities and solves the problems that have plagued this space for years.

Monument Benefits connects all the entities.